Do insurance policies cover pest control?
Damage caused by pests can be extremely invasive and expensive to repair. Bugs, insects, and other pests cost Australian households an estimated $600 million worth of damage and repairs each year!
When damage occurs in the home, the natural instinct is to look at your home insurance policy. But did you know that most insurers do not cover for pest and termite damage? Find out why in this article.
Does home insurance cover damage from pests?
Home insurance can come in handy in moments of disaster. In situations where an unforeseen disaster has occurred, having proper insurance can be the lifeline that saves you from having to dip into your savings and potentially falling into debt.
Every home insurance policy differs slightly from the other, but most home insurance policies are only intended to cover damages caused by sudden and unforeseen events. Storms, earthquakes, and bushfires would all be perfect examples of sudden and unavoidable events.
Damage caused by termites, mice, insects, and other pests is almost never covered by home insurance in Australia. Why? Because most insurance companies view pest damage as a problem that could have easily been prevented. Pest damage typically occurs gradually, which means that there’s usually time for a homeowner to intervene.
Since pest damage isn’t covered by the majority of home insurance policies, it’s essential that homeowners take every measure necessary to ensure that their homes are protected from potential pest infestations. One of the ways you can do this is by getting your property regularly inspected by a licensed pest control inspector as part of a preventative pest management plan.
If you begin to suspect a pest problem in your home, you should act on it immediately by calling in a reputable pest control company to assess the situation and suggest remedies. Pest control services in Australia usually cost between $300-$700, which is a small price to pay when you consider the expensive structural damage that can occur when a pest infestation is left unchecked!
What happens if I’m renting my home?
If you’re renting your home, then you are not responsible for insuring the property itself. You are responsible, however, for organising your home contents’ insurance, which covers all of your household items and personal belongings.
Figuring out who is responsible for paying for pest control in a rental property can be very confusing. It’s such a common source of conflict between tenants and landlords that we felt the need to dedicate an entire article to this topic! Generally speaking, the landlord is responsible for organising and paying for pest control measures around the property. However, the tenant is responsible for the general upkeep and maintenance of the property. If a pest issue arises as a consequence of poor cleanliness or untidiness, for example, then the tenant would be responsible for covering the damage.
Our top tips for preventing pests in the home
Prevention is always better than cure when it comes to pest control. Rather than waiting for a problem to arise, you’re much better off preventing a problem from occurring in the first place.
Luckily, there are lots of things you can do to ward off bugs, insects, rodents, and other unwanted visitors. Here are some of our top tips that can help to prevent pests from invading and damaging your property:
- Inspect your home for cracks and crevices and seal them up. By doing this, you’re reducing the number of potential entry points for pests and rodents;
- Don’t store untreated timber in your home. Timber and firewood are ‘termite food’, so they’re always best kept outdoors;
- Clean up spills as soon as they occur, and don’t leave leftover food sitting on open benches. Sweet and sticky spills are a goldmine for ants and insects, so try to tidy up messes as quickly as possible;
- Keep all pantry items thoroughly sealed and contained, and regularly take stock of your pantry to ensure that opened food items aren’t being forgotten about;
- Invest in window screens to keep bugs and insects at bay. With high quality window screens and doors, you can enjoy the fresh air without letting in a swarm of bugs;
- Vacuum your carpets and rugs and disinfect floors regularly. We recommend getting your carpets and rugs professionally steam cleaned once every six months;
- Fix all leaking pipes around the house to reduce the level of moisture in your home;
- Get your home professionally inspected by a licensed pest inspector at least once a year.
At Jim’s Pest Control, we work with homes and businesses across Australia to develop and implement effective pest management strategies that work. With decades of experience under our belt, our technicians provide our clients with effective advice and best-in-class solutions.
All of our pest control solutions are environmentally-friendly and safe for the home, so get in touch with us today on 131 546 to receive an obligation-free quote.
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